Sunday, February 27, 2011


We'll burn that bridge when we get ready to cross it.

Actually this is an example of what's referred to as a mixed metaphor, but when I get through with them, they are not just mixed; they are mangled! Bridges: we talk about burning them behind us or crossing them when we get to them. Let's have a little fun and combine the two ideas. What do we get? Reality!

Isn't this how we often face life? We work hard to get to the place where we can make a drastic change in our life: start a new job, quit a bad habit, make a change in a relationship, start to follow a dream. Then as we are just on the verge of making that change, we sabotage the whole thing. We burn the last bridge we have to cross. We cast the die and drown our army in the Rubicon. (oops! was that another one?)

Why do we do this? Each of must answer that question alone, I can't speak for you, nor can you tell me why I react this way, but doesn't it really come down to a lack of trust in God? Maybe just thinking about it now will help me think about it later. When I am striking a match at the end of a bridge, I will try to remember to ask myself if I have crossed it yet.

Think about it.
Come back soon.

1 comment:

  1. i used to have "never insult the alligator 'til after you've crossed the river" pasted to my wall. i'm not any better about remembering that one than i am at figuring out which end of the bridge i'm on when firing off the flame thrower. good thing God's forgiving, huh?
